
Get the Best Homeheat Deal

You can currently call us free on 0800 515435

The “GET AN INSTANT HOMEHEAT QUOTE” allows you to see our most up-to-date prices on the day.

You can also use the Quick Quote which allows you to receive a quote from us and gives you the time to decide if you are getting a good deal. If the market rises, you still have time to place your order before the Quick Quote expires. If the market falls, you simply get another Quick Quote and order at a lower price. We feel that this gives you a unique buying advantage that we hope you will make full use of.

Alternatively, you can sign up for our special offers and we will let you know when we have any special deals.

By delivering to groups of customers in closely knit areas, we reduce transportation costs and pass the savings on to our customers as a more competitive rate. We wait for a good buying opportunity and contact you with an offer we think you might be interested in.



Fuel Oils will not share any email addresses or phone numbers received from any part of the Fuel Oils web site. Your information will only be used to promote competitive rates for heating fuel sent by ourselves.